Thursday, June 9, 2016

What is the Snake-bite and Types?


Snake-bite is a life-threatening medical emergency. It occurs frequently among rural people, especially those working in the fields.

Snake bite is a neglected public health problem in tropical and subtropical countries, where rural populations are mainly affected. It is a common occupational hazard mainly in farmers, plantation workers, herders and laborers leading to significant morbidity and mortality that remains largely unreported.

India is reported to have the highest number of snake bites (81,000) and deaths (11,000) per year . However, the geographical distribution and statistics are variable in the country due to gross underreporting, resulting in massive statistical disparity. Estimates of death due to snake bite range widely from 1,300-50,000.

worldwide Snakes alone are estimated to inflict 3.5 million venomous bites each year, resulting in about 115,000 deaths. The actual number may be much larger. Southeast Asia, India, Brazil, and areas of Africa have the most deaths due to snakebite.

Venomous (poisonous) snake bite
A venomous (poisonous) snake bite is a bite or a puncture wound made by a snake that is capable of injecting, secreting, or spitting a toxin into the penetrated skin wound or, mucus membranes or  the eyes where the toxin can be absorbed

Nonvenomous (nonpoisonous) snake bite

A nonvenomous  (nonpoisonous) snake bite is a bite or puncture wound made by a snake that is incapable of secreting a toxin. This should be distinguished from a dry bite.

Symptoms of snakebite

·         Fang marks
·         Two puncture wounds
·         Swelling and redness around the wounds
·         pain at the bite site
·         Difficulty breathing
·         Vomiting and nausea
·         Blurred vision
·         Sweating and salivating
·         Numbness in the face and limbs

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